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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Safal Niveshak is 13 Years Old

The Sketchbook of Wisdom: A Hand-Crafted Manual on the Pursuit of Wealth and Good Life

Buy your copy of the book Morgan Housel calls “a masterpiece.” It contains 50 timeless ideas – from Lord Krishna to Charlie Munger, Socrates to Warren Buffett, and Steve Jobs to Naval Ravikant – as they apply to our lives today. Click here to buy now.

Why do we have to listen to our hearts?” the boy asked. “Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure.” – Paulo Coelho from The Alchemist.

Listening to the heart is often seen as a romantic notion, and like my wife tells me all the time, I am far from being one. But she knows how I did listen to my heart 13 years ago to start Safal Niveshak, and in doing so, I found my treasure.

As I sit down to write this, I’m filled with a profound sense of gratitude and reflection. It has been 13 years since I started Safal Niveshak, an initiative born out of a passion for teaching myself, and others, to become better investors. This journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by countless lessons, challenges, and moments of triumph.

When I embarked on this journey, I had a simple goal: to share my knowledge, help people navigate the complex world of investing, and, more importantly, become a better version of myself.

Here is the first post I published on the site on 9th July 2011 –

And here’s a humble promise I made in that post –

Little did I know that 13 years later, I would be able to steadfastly hold on to this promise, not for once diverging on paths that did not match what I had always stood for.

Little did I know that this initiative would come this far, not just in terms of the kind of work I would do but, more importantly, the people I would meet and the lifelong friends I would make.

Listening to the heart, as Coelho suggests, is not merely a romantic notion but a deep philosophical principle. It resonates with the wisdom of ancient Indian scriptures and philosophies that emphasize the importance of following one’s inner voice or ‘Atman’ (soul).

Bhagavad Gita, for instance, speaks about ‘Swadharma’ – one’s true duty or purpose. Following this inner calling leads to self-realization and fulfillment, akin to finding one’s ‘treasure.’

This journey of the past 13 years has been my ‘Swadharma,’ my true calling. The path has not always been clear or easy, but every challenge has brought growth and deeper understanding.

As I reflect on these years, I see how this journey has not only shaped my work life but also enriched my personal philosophy. The pursuit of wisdom, both in investing and in life, is a continuous journey. The path I have travelled has been profound, and the path ahead promises further growth and learning.

No journey is without its challenges, and Safal Niveshak has been no exception. There were moments of doubt, times when the path seemed unclear, and instances when the results did not match the effort. However, each challenge brought with it a valuable lesson, reinforcing the importance of resilience and perseverance.

Safal Niveshak has been almost a one-person, self-funded initiative, and I expect to keep it this way. For me, true freedom has never lied in the liberty to do whatever I want, but in the liberty to not do what I do not want. Looking back at these 13 years, I am proud of holding on strong to that idea.

I must thank you, dear reader, for reading, for commenting, for your interest and support, for helping this entire movement of creating wiser investors become greater and spread wider.

You are magnificent, and I am supremely grateful for your time and attention.

Just in case Safal Niveshak has touched your life, I would be happy and honoured to read your thoughts in the Comments section of this post.

Thanks again for being here and supplying the fuel of motivation to help me continue my walk. I seem to have come a long way, and I take inspiration from Dr. Seuss who wrote in Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!

– Vishal

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