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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

30 Days of Prayer to Strengthen Your Marriage

Praying about and FOR your marriage is one of the most important things you can pray about. With 50% of marriages ending in divorce, it can easily become one of those things you silently don’t pay attention to, and then out of the blue, you’re on opposite sides of everything and can’t seem to come together to save your life.

Today, I want to share with you 30 prayers that will strengthen your marriage. You can pray these with or without your spouse, but take one prayer each day and repeat it month after month! This will really help your marriage.

Prayer is such a powerful thing. No longer do we need to go to a priest like in the Bible days before we got the Holy Spirit inside of us to talk to God. We can access Him anytime and we should take advantage of that privilege as much as humanly possible.

30 Days of Prayer to Strengthen Your Marriage

I hope that these prayers bless you as much as they bless me. Let’s get started!!!

Day 1: Putting God First {Matthew 6:33}

Dear Lord Jesus, I desire with all my heart to put you first in my marriage and in my life. So often, I find my heart in the thick of the world and caught up in life’s problems and stresses and I pray that today, you clear the path in my mind and keep my heart purely and solely in love with YOU. Help me to see things as you see things and do things as you would want me to. Get ahold of my heart and deepen my love for you Lord.

Day 2: Arguing {Proverbs 15:1}

It’s so easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and want to defend ourselves or prove we are right and fight for our rights, Lord. Please help me to mortify my flesh and realize that it’s not about who is right and who is not and that in an argument, no one wins. Both of us just end up angry and it hurts my heart to see my husband angry. My desire is to please my husband and make him happy. I don’t want to fight or see him angry. Please help our relationship to be stronger in you, and give us a renewed sense of love for each other today so that we may put this argument behind us and focus on you.

Day 3: Money {Hebrews 13:5}

It seems like we have so many money disagreements and can’t get on the same page at all on this subject. I pray Lord, that you bring peace, if nothing else, just bring peace to our home and help us both to be more flexible in order that we might serve you and focus our attention on what YOU would want for us, not our own fleshly sinful desires. Please help me to be more humble when talking with my husband on the subject of marriage and help bring peace to our midst as only you can.

Day 4: Respect {Ephesians 5:33}

Lord, I know that my husband seeks for me to respect him more than he cares if I love him! That’s how important respect is to a man and I just desire so much Lord to respect him. He’s done something lately that makes me not trust him and hurts my respect for him. He hasn’t necessarily earned my respect in this way and even though he hasn’t Lord, I pray that you’ll help me to look past that, look past the mistakes and just focus my heart and soul on you and your command to me to respect my husband. Please, Lord, give me a respect for my husband that he would appreciate and enjoy.

Day 5: Communication {Ephesians 4:29}

Lord, lately we have not been placing as much time into our communication. It is more rushed and blunt, rather than caring, loving, and thoughtful. Lord, if you would please, please help us to take more time to really connect and communicate. Help us to value communicating more and to spend more time together talking. Talking about life, about love, about the children, finances, everything Lord. Provide us with unity in our home and wholesome speech on our tongues that we may glorify you this day and forevermore.

Day 6: Faithfulness {Proverbs 3:3-4}

Lord, so often my love for my husband is not bound up in steadfast love and faithfulness. I admit that I struggle with being faithful and consistent in everything I do and I desire so much to be more faithful in my heart and life. Help me today to commit to my husband, more of my heart, in order that he may have more and more of me as I yield my spirit to you and my heart to him.

Day 7: Intimacy {Song of Solomon 1-8}

Intimacy is such a delicate and precious thing. To my husband, being intimate means something different than it means to me. To me, I want us to be more intimate in a more gentle and serene way. I pray Lord today that you help my husband be freer and know that it’s okay to be tender with me. The world chokes these virtues out of him, but Lord, please put them back in. Help us to be more intimate, not just sexual activities, but more intimate in our hearts Lord as we seek to honor and please you in our marriage.

Day 8: Keeping Our Priorities Right {Ephesians 5:22-25}

Lord, we know from Scripture the order of relationships is that you are first (Deuteronomy 6:5) and then next is my spouse (Ephesians 5:22-25), however sometimes I admit, I don’t always put him as first after You. Sometimes the world gets in the way, my flesh. I want to be first. It’s just not easy to always be faithful thinking of his needs above my own. I’m selfish and fleshly and want to put my desires ahead of his needs and this can’t be. Lord, please give me a more genuine, fruit-filled love for my husband so that I can keep HIM as the second priority in my life. I desire it so desperately, but sometimes, it’s just so hard and I need your help to be better at it.

Day 9: Genuine Love {John 13:35}

There are so many types of love, Lord. There’s agape love, Your love for all of us, unconditional, sacrificial, and pure. There’s Philia love, a brotherly love. A love you feel for a friend or brother in Christ. There’s Eros, a romantic and passionate love, and lastly, there’s Storge, a family love. Love that’s built on empathy. Lord, I don’t have ALL these types of love for my husband. I would love to be able to have all four types of love to and for my husband and I ask that you give me more of the ones that I need in order to be a better wife. In order that I love my husband more perfectly as you love us, Lord. Please give me more genuine love, more of all four types of love for my husband. Fill me more with empathy, with romance and passion, with a love that is his because he’s my best friend and an unconditional, sacrificial love. Fill me with all four types of love for my husband.

Day 10: Integrity {Proverbs 10:9}

Integrity is one of the most important things you can have in ANY relationship and within my marriage is no different. My husband and I are so full of integrity and I know that you notice, but I pray that you grow us even MORE in our integrity with one another and also in our dealings apart. When we are tempted to not do something that is right, when we are tempted to sell out, please maintain our integrity and help us to be the people that you desire.

Day 11: Being Kind {Galatians 6:9-10}

My husband is amazingly kind to me and to others. He is someone really special to watch in this area and I pray, Lord, that you make me more like him in this way. It’s one of the things that I just really treasure about him so much. Please grow me to be more kind and loving, gentle and meek. Taking every thought captive and asking myself if it is kind before I speak it. In this way, you are glorified when I am kind to my family.

Day 12: Forgiveness {Ephesians 4:32}

There are days where I just do not want to forgive my husband. He’s done something wrong, he knows it, I know it, and he’s unwilling to admit he’s doing anything at all. It’s so frustrating to my heart and I just, in my own sin nature, do not want to forgive him. Please Lord, will you help that stubborn pride in me? Help me to love my husband more, to be a woman who is quick to forgive and show mercy and grace as you continually show ME!

Day 13: Patience {Romans 12:12}

Dear Lord, you know how much I struggle with patience sometimes. It’s so tough for me to be patient. I can’t do this alone and I pray that you help me be more patient with my entire family. Help me remember that my kids are just kids and that I can’t expect perfection from them. Help me to be more patient and loving with my husband, showing him grace when he needs it as he is so kind and loving and gentle with ME. Help our entire family to be more patient with one another, Lord.

Day 14: Teamwork {Ecclesiastes 4:9-12}

One of the most common things amongst married women is that we tend to forget how IMPORTANT it is to work as a team. We get so focused, Lord, on the daily grind and often are unappreciative of our spouses and the support that they give us. As a single mom, now I do 100% of EVERYTHING. I have absolutely no help in the husband department and I see just how vital the husband’s role is, how much he helps (even if we think he does nothing; trust me, he’s doing stuff!) and so my prayer today Lord is that I never forget these things. I never forget to show appreciation to my husband. I never forget to work as a team and to KNOW that we ARE a team! If I forget, Lord, please gently remind me how blessed I truly am to have help!

Day 15: Honesty {Proverbs 19:1}

Lack of honesty can completely destroy a marriage. Lord, please help me to always be honest, even in the small and “insignificant” things, for everything is super important and NOTHING is truly insignificant. You tell us that if we are faithful with little, we will be faithful with much and so that’s my prayer today. I want to continue to be faithful in all areas, including honesty, even when I am tempted to tell a little white lie, let me continue to forbid myself to do it and not lie. Help me to show my husband that he is SAFE to come to me and share ANYTHING, even if it’s hurtful because it’s always better to be truthful than to hide or lie about something, in the long run, and Lord, I’m in this marriage for the long run!!!

Day 16: Support {Ecclesiastes 4:12}

I want to invest in you more and more. I want to be more of a mission for you and help others see you through me. In order to serve you more, Lord, I need help. I need more support. I can’t do it all by myself and I pray that my husband supports me more, emotionally. I pray also that I am not found hypocritical in this area but that I am fully, 100% supporting him as well, emotionally and spiritually. Help us to be united, a team, fully supporting each other and our love for you, Lord.

Day 17: Commitment {Numbers 30:2}

Every day I seek to honor you. I wake up and I read my Bible, seeking your will, seeking to be used by you. It’s a huge commitment that I have made to you, but I wonder to myself, how much am I also committed to my husband in the same way? Do I wake up in the morning and think to myself, “How can I serve my husband today? How can I show my love and commitment to him more this day?” I fully admit that I don’t and I pray that you help me to change that. Help me to value more and more, each day, my commitment, love, and servitude to my husband.

Day 18: Compassion {Colossians 3:12-13}

It’s not always easy to show compassion. Sometimes I feel like my husband has done something wrong to me. He’s hurt me, and I just don’t WANT to show compassion and grace to him. I want to be angry. I feel like I have a right to BE angry, Lord. But even if there is a right to be angry, I know that I still need to show grace and compassion to my husband and I pray that you soften and change my heart. Help me to want to be more compassionate toward my husband’s shortcomings as he is SO fantastically great at being compassionate with mine!

Day 19: Positivity {Ephesians 5:20}

I have been so negative lately. It seems like everything is going wrong and there are trials and temptations everywhere. I get frustrated with life. I get frustrated in my marriage. I get frustrated with myself. Please Lord, help me to be more positive. I know that it starts with being content and so I pray that you just help me to be more content in my life. Help me to see more of the beauty and less of the pain. Help me to be a more positive, caring, and encouraging person, not only for my husband and family but also in my spirit towards the world. For I am your child, your ambassador, and when people see me miserable, it does NOT glorify you or attract others TO you. Help me to be more positive so that I may be used more by you, both in my marriage and to the world, Lord.

Day 20: Understanding {Psalm 119:130}

There are many times in my marriage that I just don’t feel like listening or I think I already know the answer and so I’m not listening as I ought to. Please help me to seek to understand how my husband is feeling more. Please help me to take the time to really understand him and his needs and desires better, Lord. You know that I am not a perfect wife, but I sure strive to be and I know that it all starts with a willingness to understand my husband. In the times that I am not feeling particularly willing, please soften my heart toward my husband that I may be used for your glory to show the world, your love through me, to him.

Day 21: Friendship {Proverbs 18:24}

Sometimes life gets busy, Lord, and we’re just not able to spend as much time together to deepen our friendship as I’d like. I pray that you help slow down our world in order that we may be able to spend more time together, truly investing in our foundation: friendship! True love is always rooted in a deep and lasting, intimate friendship. Please continue to strengthen our friendship and help us to know each other more in this way.

Day 22: Peacefulness {John 14:27}

Peacefulness is something that I so strongly seek and desire. It’s the basis on which I want my home to be grounded in. Lord Jesus, please help our home to be a happy hope, full of peace, love, and contentment. Help us that when we are feeling full of strife and enmity, that you draw us back to you, together, in order that we maintain peace in our home.

Day 23: Gentleness {Titus 3:2}

The world bangs our husband’s around and makes them feel completely inadequate when they are gentle, and yet you Lord, were gentle and meek when you walked the Earth. Please help my husband understand and feel like it’s OKAY to be more gentle. You are the good shepherd, Lord, please show my husband that he can also be a good and gentle shepherd. Please also help my heart to be more gentle and tender toward my husband, even in times that I do not feel like it. Cover us with your peace and gentleness, Lord, that we may be found treating each other right and with respect.

Day 24: Humble {Psalm 25:9}

Being humble is something that I really struggle with. The more that you give me, the more you bless me, the more I tend to think it’s because of my own merit or worthiness that I have something and I know that’s wrong. Please help guide and shape my heart and attitude to be continually humbled. It’s not bad to be grateful and thankful that you give us things, it’s wrong to think I deserve it, whether in my marriage or in life in general. Help me to stay on the course of learning the balance between being humble, but also, sharing how you’ve blessed me in my life.

Day 25: Cooperative {1 Peter 3:15}

Being cooperative is hard sometimes. I’m selfish, Lord, and I just want my own way. It’s difficult to see past what I want and to the needs and desires of others. I fall short in this way so often, Lord. Please help me to be more cooperative with my spouse. Help me to give more and take less. Help me to put his needs before my own and to love him more in a gentle and forgiving way. Help me, Lord, to be less selfish!

Day 26: Playful {John 15:11}

Life seems like it’s a constant barrage of to do’s. Day in and day out, there’s always something to suck our joy from our life. Please help me to continually remember that and to guard my heart and mind against the monotony of life. Help me and my husband to be more playful toward one another, more playful in life in general, to have more FUN, to do things, go places, and just adore each other and spend lots of time with each other in fun ways that we each enjoy. Help us to remember that life is not meant to work too much and that playtime is super important in my marriage. Help me and my husband to prioritize the fun in life so that we can continue to have a happy and healthy marriage.

Day 27: Flexible {Ephesians 5:21}

Lord, sometimes I struggle with being flexible. My mind is constantly wanting to think about what I want instead of what my spouse would want. Please help me to be more flexible and help my spouse to be more flexible too, in order that we may be more united as one than we are now.

Day 28: Polite {1 Peter 3:8}

Lord, I never realized before how important it is to be polite to your spouse. I always felt like it’s important to voice my opinion and let him know how I feel, not hiding anything. But I’ve realized lately that we can still voice our opinions but do so in a polite and gentle way. I pray that you instill in me more politeness. When I respect my husband more, I am more polite, so I also pray Lord, that you give me more respect for him. Then I can be more polite and treat him in the way that he deserves to be treated as the head of the household and fellow heir in Christ.

Day 29: Attentive {Proverbs 4:20-27}

One of the things that I value about my relationship with my spouse is that we are attentive to each other’s needs, however, sometimes, we both can be self-focused. Please help us to share common ground more, spend more quality time with each other and show love to each other more, focusing not only on the other’s needs, but also their goals, desires, and things that make them happy.

Day 30: Hard Working {Proverbs 13:4}

Sometimes I take for granted how hard working my husband is. He goes to work and works all day. On the weekends, he spends time with his family. He tends to things around the house that break. He’s the main breadwinner and he provides so lovingly and sacrificially for his family. But as the day goes on and the kids have made me a complete wreck and it’s just a hard day that I wanna pull out my hair, I’m tempted to believe that I’m running this family by myself and I’m not. Lord, help me to remember how hard working my husband is, in order that I respect and love him all the more for sacrificing for me and the kids daily. Thank you so much for giving me such a hard working husband!

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30 Days of Prayer to Strengthen Your Marriage

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