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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Devotional: Nobody Can Drag You Down

“What’s the best comment you’ve ever received in your shop?”

The BEST comment I’ve ever received in my whole life for my shop was Desiree’s. It made me SOOO happy. Desiree says…

Aww…that’s so sweet! 🥹

Growing up I LOVED (obsessively) with Lisa Frank and all the designs. They are just so beautiful. So to hear that my designs and ideas are THAT good…wow. I’m blown away. 🤩 Never, ever, in a million years thought *I* could create printables.

I mean, I wasn’t even the creative type!

That may shock you, but it’s true.

I was much more on the intellectual side of my brain and was never good at creativity and art. In fact, in High School, I got a D on a final in art class. The teacher told me that she only gave me a D instead of an F because she knew how hard I worked on the project.

I did. I toiled and toiled on that thing and I will never forget that project because it took weeks longer than what was required of me, but I really wanted to do it.

But I made one mistake and used the only glue we had (a purple stick glue that dried yellow) and it ended up looking bad. I turned it in anyway because I couldn’t fix it and didn’t have the proper glue anyway. I was so upset about my work. Even talking about it today, brings me to tears. And to get a D on it. 😢

That situation really crushed me and I felt like a failure.

So to be compared to a brand truly brilliant like Lisa Frank is just…wow! 🥰

Here’s what I would say…

There’s always going to be SOMEone who doesn’t like you or what you do. There’s always going to be one major person in your life who doesn’t agree with you or thinks you should quit.

Remember how many people told me to not start a blog?! My Pastor in Idaho, my mom, all my friends at the time. No one thought I could do it. I was told I was being irresponsible for starting a blog, by my own Pastor! My mom said I was just fooling myself. I had nothing to say, she said, no one would listen. 

Yet here I am, over 10 years later, still blogging and still making an income through my blog. More importantly than all that, it was God’s plan for me and He has and will use this blog mightily for His good and glorious name and I’m very blessed to be a part of HIS plan! 🥰 

Satan just loves to work through important people in our lives, so who we have in our lives matters (1 Corinthians 15:33)! We need to make sure that we are surrounding ourselves with people who lift us up and encourage us to obey God at all costs.

I’ve had to walk away from MANY friendships over the years, even good Christians, because they don’t support or believe in God’s work through me and are trying to drag me down. Sometimes people get jealous, catty, or blatantly try to destroy my work and all that God is doing.

You absolutely must listen to what Christ is convicting you to do and obey His voice no matter what.

I listened to that teacher who gave me the D, but in my heart, I kept on creating art. Even if I stunk at it, it was FUN for me, and over the years, because I didn’t give up and I kept on trying and doing it for fun, now I have an empire built around the art that I myself design and create.

Take a look at my shop:

I drew all that by hand! The rockets, the moon, the sun, the chibi little mom, dad, and baby family. Not too shabby, eh? And look how many products I have in the shop at this point, 222! It’s not a small store. I did all that and I pray God uses it to help people fall in love with Him more and more each and every day. 

I support myself, income-wise, for something I consider FUN and really, that’s such a huge blessing also. 🎁

Imagine getting paid to have FUN. 🎉

You can!!!

Whatever it is that’s your dream, don’t give up.

If God’s laid it on your heart to do it, DO IT and don’t be scared! Yes, we want to listen to others tell us when something is wrong, of course, but when you are sure God wants you to do something, don’t hold back, don’t shrink down, and never let them tell you that you can’t do it when God has clearly convicted you to do something.

Because the world will try! 

Don’t let the naysayers tell you that you can’t do it, you’re not good enough, you don’t belong.

Maybe you’re NOT good enough to do something, I certainly wasn’t good enough to start a blog, but through the power of Christ, HE strengthens me, HE gives me knowledge and wisdom, HE removes barriers and blocks, and HE helps me to succeed in order that I obey Him and line my heart and life up to His plans and purposes for me. 

You’ll find a way, you’ll figure it out. If it’s God’s will, you cannot fail because the God Who created the whole universe is in your corner, helping and guiding you. ❤️

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