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Friday, March 7, 2025

Devotional: We’re Here to Set the World on Fire!!!

Growing up, one of my all-time favorite movies was Labyrinth. It was so instrumental in my life that I literally have the entire movie memorized, line by line! Yep, the whole thing. 💯 My kids didn’t believe me that I could do it, so one day, we all watched it as a family, and with their permission, I talked out, line by line, of all the characters words in the movie as it was being said from start to finish and proved to them I could do it! It was a lot of fun. 😆

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but it’s a great movie about a bad guy who falls in love with a young girl and he thinks the way to her heart is by afflicting her with pain (watch out, ladies, because some men use this tactic to get a girl still today; they will try to push you down and oppress you). The bad guy errantly believes that she will fall in love with him by getting her attention, in a very negative way.

Along the way, she meets some new friends and ends up beating the bad guy in the final scene. But it’s the JOURNEY of her beating this guy that changes her life forever. She starts to see things in a different light, meeting new friends who are in a completely different world than her own. She sees things from a different angle and learns many new things about life.

Some friends are good, and she meets some bad ones too along the way. People trying to trip her up and you never really know WHO is your TRUE friend until they prove they ARE your friend. 💯

There’s so many lessons to glean from that movie, which is why it’s one of my favs.

But there’s a part in there where they’re trying to trick her and make her THINK she’s back at home. She’s not. She’s really in a garbage dump, but it’s an illusion, meant to trip her and make her fall.

Sometimes, in our lives, we can THINK we are living a great life. We can THINK everything is okay, but we really are living in a garage dump. 😮

We go through our day, THINKING everything is okay. We are doing well, the kids are fed, family is mostly happy, life is okay. We are good people, serving for the Lord, cooking dinners, making beds, doing all that we need to be doing.

In our minds, it’s like this little checklist of what a good wife should be and yet…

AND YET, we miss the whole point.

As a Christian, our lives are not meaningful if our checklists are filled.

Do you think if Jesus visited your home today, He would say, “Well done, you got the dishes done?” or “Well done, your bed is made. Great job. Now enter the kingdom.”

I’m not saying cleaning or being tidy is wrong, we SHOULD be clean. But what I AM saying is that, life is SO MUCH MORE than wiping noses and chasing after kids all day.

It’s more than making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and packing lunches.

It’s more than kissing your husband goodbye 💋 as he goes off to work.

All of those things are great, but it’s not what we’re HERE FOR. 

God expects more from us!! 💯

I fear that when we meet Him face to face in heaven, He will not ask us how our days went but how we spent our days FOR HIM. We will say to Him, “I did many things, I was a good wife, good mom, good this, and good that”, but He will say back to us, “Yes, but what have you done for Me? For My kingdom? For others outside of your family?”

What would your answer be then?

See if all our focus is ourselves and our family’s, then we’ve missed the point. Even the heathens do that, don’t they? And we are called to so much more!

He wants us to make waves in this world for Him.

We’re here to set the world on fire 🔥 and kindle the fire in our own hearts FOR God.

We’re here for so much more.

If Jesus came to you right now and tallied up your whole week, how much of it would be counted for His kingdom? ✅ And how much would be counted as for nothing?

The Bible calls us to live IN the world, but not be OF it.

Sure, we have to make lunches, do mountains of laundry, fix dinner and a myriad of other things, but is that our FOCUS in our day?

Are our eyes so focused on the world or our daily living that we miss the whole point OF living?

Calculate your week, privately and silently between you and God alone. How do you fare?

Have you kept your eyes on Jesus? 🙏 Have you focused on His kingdom? Or have we kept our eyes on our OWN little kingdoms this week?

Measuring yourself, on a weekly basis, is so important, because it will help you find the stumbling blocks in your life and help you live a more God-centered life.

We all have off weeks, but the goal is to get them to be productive weeks FOR the kingdom of Christ!

I’m measuring my own week right now too, as I write this. I pray that my focus is on God, where it should be, and not on life’s circumstances, heartaches, struggles, and pains.

Lord, please keep our focus on YOU this week. Allow the worries and cares of the world to slip away from our minds as we endeavor to be a godly people, worthy of the call of being a Christian. Let us show love to the world, 🥰 let us help others, let us all be shining lights to all who look upon us and see. We love you, Lord. Let us show You the love that is in our hearts, outwardly to You this week. Amen.

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