Do You Miss Being Married?
I do, yeah. I miss cooking for someone, serving someone, taking care of someone. Spending time with someone, having someone to share life with. Waking up to someone. There’s a lot of things to miss about being married as marriage is such a huge gift, 🎁 but I know that right now, God has me right where He wants me to be and in the right time, in His precious timing, things will happen for me.
We shouldn’t seek out (force) love (Song of Solomon 8:4), we should just let it happen in God’s timing so that we make sure we meet and begin a relationship with the right person. A lot of times that is just stepping back and observing what the guy you’re interested in will do and how he carries himself as a single man.
- Is he godly?
- Does he do what is right?
- Is he full of integrity and honor?
- Or does he do bad things?
Don’t just rush into things but give it a little bit to see his actions and what he does. After a month or so, you can really know if he’s right for you or not. If he is, then pray and let God handle things. 💯 Let God lead you guys together. If it is God’s will for you to be with that particular man, God will lead and guide you together. He will remove obstacles, fears, etc. He will open and close doors.
It’s really important to be with the right guy. So many men are frauds, pretending to be good but they are not, and simply observing for a couple weeks or a month FIRST how they act, will honestly save you a lifetime of regrets!
I just watched one supposedly godly man falter and fail. Obviously he’s not the right one for me and now God has brought another one for me to watch. Will see what he does. If it’s God’s will, He will make the path straight and everything will work out.
‘Till then, I try to be as content as I possibly can as a single girl, waiting upon the Lord. I do desire to be married one day, but I refuse to date the wrong guy or be with someone just to rush things. I want the RIGHT guy, the guy that will make me happy for the rest of my life. The guy that I can make happy and we will have that Ruth and Boaz marriage. ❤️
What do you look forward to the most in marriage? I bet you will say sex. 😊
Haha. Yeah, that’s definitely something I look forward to, in being without for so long, for sure, but I think the main thing I look forward to is just spending time with the person.
Doing everything together, hanging out, loving on one another.
Even simple things like cooking for him or doing his laundry, sitting on the couch cuddling and watching a movie. Just “life” stuff. Having someone to share life with. Someone to laugh with, cry with, be tender with, have fun with. All the things in marriage, the daily living, the spending time, just treasuring their company, treasuring THEM.
It’s definitely something I REALLY look forward to. The things that everyone else seems to take for granted, just the other person’s presence, is what I look forward to the most. 😍
Second would be your answer. 😂