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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Godly Prayers That Starts With A – Z

Prayer in the life of a believer is the most important power we have on this earth. 

With it, we can move mountains, defeat our enemies, overcome health issues, live a peaceful, happy, and well-satisfied life. 

Without a meaningfully thoughtful prayer life, we become stagnant, selfish, and focused on the world instead of upon His grace, love, and mercy for us. 

But sometimes, we don’t know what to pray.

Or maybe we want more ideas of things to pray for. 

Maybe we’re just curious.

What do OTHERS pray for? What do godly people seek? How do they talk to the Lord their God?

Learning more about prayer will never steer You wrong and He never tires of listening to us. 

When we lay our burdens and cares in His lap, He provides and cares for us (Psalm 55:22, Psalm 34:18). 🙌

When we are thankful, we praise His name with our lips in prayer (Psalm 105:1). 

When our enemies surround us and we don’t know what to do, like David in the Psalms, we can go to God and find peace and comfort in His loving and very capable arms. 

In every situation, whether good or bad in this life, prayer is ALWAYS the answer (Psalm 62:8)! 💯❤️

Godly Prayers That Starts With A – Z

Did You know that God answers every single prayer in the life of a believer? It’s true! Therefore, it’s incredibly important to pray for the RIGHT things, the things that are according to His will and not our selfish desires according to our finite knowledge of life and man. 

Here are some prayers to get You started in the right direction in a fun and exciting way to digest them: A to Z! 

Let’s make prayer time fun, exciting, and not just always praying the same, boring stuff, which can just become meaningless repetition (Matthew 6:7). 

1) Acceptance

Lord, please help my children to care more about what YOU think about them, than what their peers think about them. Help them to feel accepted by You and that what You think about them is far more important than what anyone else in the world says about them. Help my family to know that love and tenderness that You show me on a daily basis.

2) Better Wife

Dear Jesus, please help me to become a better wife. I try SO hard to live up to the Proverbs 31 wife but I know that there’s always room to grow and improve and I want so desperately to be the best wife on the planet for my husband because I love and respect him so very much. He’s a great man, Christian, and father and I’m so blessed to have him in my life and I pray that You help me to cherish every moment we get together here on this earth, living our lives with You as the cornerstone of everything we do.

3) Courage to Start Anew

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today asking for the courage to start fresh. It seems like every day I am faced with new challenges and new problems. Sometimes I feel like I can’t do it all. I get so discouraged and feel like giving up. But I know that with Your help, I can face anything. So please give me the strength and courage I need to get through each day. Help me to be the best mom I can be, even when things are tough. Thank You for always being there for me, for guiding me and loving me.

4) Discouraged

Lord, I come to You today feeling utterly discouraged. Please help me to see the good amidst the bad. Help me to find my hope and treasure in You. I know that You are always with me and that You will never give up on me. You work with me daily to create me to be the godly woman that You have called me to be. I thank You for Your love and care. Please help me to continue through this hard trial and persevere, knowing that those that continue in the faith till the very end are rewarded handsomely.

5) Embracing Your Will 

Heavenly Father, help me to embrace Your will in all aspects of my life. Grant me the wisdom to understand Your guidance and the courage to follow it wholeheartedly. May I trust in Your plan, even when it differs from my own desires. Let my heart be aligned with Your purpose, and may I find peace in surrendering to Your perfect will. 

6) Forgiveness

Lord, I am feeling guilty right now about a few things and it’s become such a heavy burden to carry. I need Your forgiveness, please, Lord. If I confess my sins, I know that You are faithful and just and will forgive me, though I feel so undeserving of it because I truly messed up in a big way. I know that You will purify me from all unrighteousness if I ask You. God, so I ask You now, please forgive me of all my sins, both unknown and known. Thank You for being my forgiver and dying on the cross for my sins that I may repent to You and be cleaned!

7) Grief 

Heavenly Father, please help me to remember that You bless those who mourn and that I will be comforted. I know that You will bring me through this time of mourning in Your time, but it feels so hard to wait for that time to come. I am feeling grief right now. Deep despair and I sorely need Your comfort, the comfort that only You can give. Thank You for being my comforter, for loving me, for saving me, for dying for me. You are amazing, Lord.

8) Healing

Lord Jesus, I come to You today asking for Your healing. I am feeling broken down, tired, and wounded and I need Your help. Please touch me with Your healing hand and make me whole again, both in body and spirit. I know that You bore my sins and diseases on the cross, so I ask that You would also heal my broken heart, for I am in great pain. A pain so deep I feel like no one could ever even understand it. But You do Lord because You know pain and sorrow also and You see my pain. Please help me to be able to get through this and thank You for being my Healer.

9) Inviting God into My Weakness 

Dear God, I come to You today asking simply for strength. I am feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, and I need Your help just to make it through the day. Please give me the strength I need to complete all my tasks and the patience to deal with difficult people. I know that sometimes difficult people are put in my life in order to grow me more like You, Lord, but sometimes that stretching of myself is super painful and hard. Help me to remember that You are always by my side and that Your love will see me through anything. You understand pain and suffering, and with You, and You alone, I can get through anything that comes my way. 

10) Joy in the Little Things 

Dear Lord, please help me to be joyful today and to see more of all the good things You give to me and my family. It can sometimes be difficult to see the silver lining when I’m struggling. Each day brings new challenges and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and like I want to give up. But despite the trials I face, there is always something to be grateful for! Maybe it’s the warm sun on my face or a kind word from a friend. Maybe it’s the simple pleasure of a warm cup of tea or watching a beautiful sunset with the love of my life. Whatever it may be, I want to take today to appreciate the good in my life. And if I start to feel low or sad, I want to always remember that You are there for me no matter what and that there are better days ahead. 

11) Kindness 

Dear Lord, it’s so important that mothers have a kind heart, that Your Holy Spirit listed it specifically in Your word. Help me to put on this valuable fruit of the spirit each day, especially as I deal with my precious family, and any others that You put in my path. Let me not see them as interruptions, but as an opportunities to practice kindness.

There are times, God, when I’m tired and aggravated, but please help me not to take those feelings out on others. Help me to take a breath, and think before I speak, and for the words that come out of my mouth to be kind and gentle.

Please guide my steps daily in the godly way to treat my family each and every day. Give me the strong desire to be in Your word daily, that it will become a priority in my life, so that I may grow in wisdom and mercy. Cleanse my heart and make it pure, so that I will be a light for You to my family and others. Help my actions to radiate Your loving kindness.  Kindness is akin to love which You say is the “greatest.” So please dear Lord, fill my heart to overflowing with this quality. Let me practice it so that it becomes a genuine quality in my life, in order that I may reflect You to others.

12) Loneliness

Lord, I’m feeling so alone right now. There are so many things going on in the world and it’s making us all so lonely and scattered. I know that You are with me, but I need Your comfort and Your presence like never before. Please help me to feel Your arms around me. Please help me to find godly people that I can spend time with, getting to know and beginning new relationships to help edify and heal each other. Help me to know that I am never alone because You are with me. Thank You for being my best friend and my companion through it all.

13) Motivation

Dear God, sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to keep going. I’m facing some pretty rough trials today and I’m just not sure what to do. But I know that with Your help, anything is possible. That You conquered the grave and have plenty of power to help guide ME through this situation. So today, I ask for Your inspiration, guidance, and direction. Please light the way, Lord. Help me to see the positive side to things in every situation, knowing that You’re working everything out to my good, and give me the strength to keep pushing forward even when things get tough. Thank You for always being by my side and always being there for me. 

14) Nourishing Health

Lord, I ask that You would bless me with good health. Please give me the strength when I am weak, and comfort me when I am sick. I’m not feeling well and I pray for Your healing power to be at work in my life. I know that You are capable of bringing healing and restoration, however You see fit. I give everything to You, Lord, for You alone are not only sovereign, but good and no matter what You choose to do, I am blessed. Whatever You will to happen in this situation, I will gladly do because I know You have called me to walk through the circumstance and that You never leave my side. Thank You for Your goodness, kindness, and mercy toward me every single day without fail. I love You so much, Lord. You truly are my treasure.

15) Overcoming Fear

Father, fear can be such a strong and debilitating emotion. It can cause me to make decisions that I normally wouldn’t make, and it can keep me from taking action when I need to. As a single mom, I so often face many challenges and difficult situations that I can’t overcome on my own, and it seems like there’s no help around me. Please help me to overcome my fears today and find strength in this difficult time. Please guide me as I navigate the challenges of parenting these precious souls alone. Give me the strength to persevere because I am feeling tired and overwhelmed. I need Your peace, mercy, and love today, Lord. 

16) Pleasing To You

Almighty God, I desire to exalt and please You in everything I do. Help me to live a life that reflects Your goodness, grace, and mercy to my family and to everyone I meet. Let my thoughts, words, and actions glorify Your precious and holy name. In moments of joy, may I be found by You to be praising Your name. In seasons of struggle, may I trust in You. Teach me to put You first in all areas of my life, not hiding or holding back anything from You, in order that my life would be a testimony to Your unfailing and perfect love. Thank You for being my strength and my song. 

17) Quiet My Heart

Heavenly Father, in the noise of life, please quiet my heart. When worries overwhelm me and distractions pull me away from You, help me to be still and know that You alone are God. Fill me with Your presence and peace that surpasses all understanding. Let my soul find rest in Your presence, and teach me to trust in You completely. Thank You for being my refuge and my calm in the storm. 

18) Respect

Lord, I know that my husband seeks for me to respect him more than he cares if I love him! That’s how important respect is to a man and I just desire so much Lord to respect him. He’s done something lately that makes me not trust him and hurts my respect for him. He hasn’t necessarily earned my respect in this way and even though he hasn’t Lord, I pray that You’ll help me to look past that, look past the mistakes and just focus my heart and soul on You and Your command to me to respect my husband. Please, Lord, give me a respect for my husband that he would appreciate and enjoy.

19) Stable Home

Heavenly Father, I come to You in need of Your strength and stability. I want to help my husband provide my family with a stable home, but finances are so tight I fear of losing it. Please give me the wisdom to know what steps to take to best take care of my home and family and to be the godly wife You’ve called me to be. Help me to be a good steward of what You have given me to look after here on earth and help me to help my husband provide a stable, loving home for me and my family. I pray that You give us a stable environment, one that my children can grow up to know and love You as I do. I pray that my husband would continue to be strong in his faith and that he would always be a light for You to those around him. Please bless my children and keep them safe. I entrust my family into Your care and trust that You will always take care of us. 

20) Trusting You in Every Season

Lord, give me peace today in knowing that You are in full control of my life in every angle. I don’t have to know all the answers, but I can trust that You do. Help me to lean on You and find tender loving care and rest in You. As I go about my day today, I pray that You would guide my steps and help me to stay on the path that You have set before me. I know there will be times when I stumble and fall, but I am confident that with Your help, I will be able to get back and stay on track. Thank You so much for being by my side every step of the way, every single day without fail! 

21) U.S. Military Leaders, Soldiers Who Fight For Our Freedoms, and Support Staff 

Thank You Lord for the many members of the U.S. military! Thank You for their willingness to be used by You to protect our nation, the people, and its freedoms. Please guide them to love You, to do what is right, to be strong and courageous. Please protect their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls, and that of their families as well. Thank You for the love that they show the people of the United States by their willingness to lay down their lives for us every day. Please bless them immensely for all that they do and help them to know just how much they are needed and appreciated for their service.

22) Vulnerability

Lord, I am feeling vulnerable right now. I need Your protection. Please help me to remember that You are the Most High and that I can abide under the shadow of Your wings. I know that You will protect me from harm, but sometimes, it’s hard to believe when I see so much harm and animosity coming my way because of Your name. I am attacked because I love You. I am held captive because You are my God. I am suffering because I have chosen You alone, Lord and this wears on me year after year, day after day. I’m tired and I feel alone. Please strengthen me and help me to walk again in Your precious sight that I may glorify You with my life. Thank You for being my refuge and my fortress.

23) With You, Nothing Is Impossible

Lord, I am feeling so overwhelmed right now. I am so very tired in mind, body, and in spirit. This world is relentless, I’ve been through so much, and I feel like I just can’t make it through. Please help me Lord. Refresh my soul and lavish Your kindness upon me with Your never-ending love. Let each day be better than the previous day, Oh Lord. Quiet my silent fears and let me find comfort in You alone, the Living God. Thank You for being my strength and my stay. In You alone, I find my comfort, peace, and joy Lord Jesus, for I know that You always have my best interest at heart. That You love, care, and provide for me each and every day. Please continue to take care of me, as You always have, and help me to find rest in You today.

24) X-Ray Vision

Lord, I love how You have x-ray vision. That You not only see me on the outside, like man does, but that You see the inside of me as well, to the core of my very existence. My heart and my soul are not hidden from You, my great and glorious Heavenly Father. I’m so glad to be known by You and to know that in spite of Your knowing everything about me, You love me whole-heartedly and unconditionally anyway. It is amazing to get to know You more and more each day as I seek to align my life and my heart up to You. Please do not hide Your ways from me, precious Father. Make them known to me that I may follow You with all my strength and be a pleasing aroma to You all of my days.

25) You Love Me

Jesus, I know that You love me and care for me in such a way that I’ll never understand the true depths of Your care and concern for me. I’ll never know truly, how MUCH You love me, this side of heaven, but please show it to me, because I’m struggling. Please help me to remember Your love for me because I am feeling lost and alone. Help me to feel Your presence and know that You are ALWAYS with me, loving me and guiding me. Help me to see Your love, patience, and grace more accurately and give me a good picture, ingrain it in my brain Lord, of Your will in my life. I love You so much Lord, but I often fail so utterly hard. Please continue to show me grace and mercy as I work my way through this tough situation that I’m going through right now.

26) Zeal for Your Word

Lord, ignite in me a deep and unquenchable zeal for Your Word. Let me hunger and thirst for Your truth, finding joy and strength in Your promises and daily care of me. Keep my heart from growing weary and guard me from becoming distracted by the things of this world. Rather, fill me with passion to know You more, to seek You daily, and to live according to Your ways. Thank You for Your living Word that guides, comforts, strengthens me, and helps me in times of trouble. Surely, You are my God and I ever praise Your holy name.

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