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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Teaching God to Children A-Z

Teaching children about Christ doesn’t have to be difficult and if you use these words to create a song or rhyme, even better! It’ll help the kids understand and remember them better! 

The point is to get as many Christian “nuggets” into the hearts and souls of our little ones WHILE they are still impressionable. Because when our children start to become teens and older, they usually begin to rebel and want to do things their way and they need to go through that time of doing things their way to learn. 

However, we want to instill in them as many Christian things as we can, a solid biblical foundation in their hearts, souls, and minds. 

These words will do just that!

Teaching God to Children A-Z

These tools will not only help you witness and speak about God to other children, but they will also help those children better understand what Christianity is all about.

  • Turn it into a Sunday school 26-week study!
  • Go over it with your kids, one each day for a month.
  • Think about how you can use these teachings to reach the children in your neighborhood.

There’s no right or wrong way to use these! ❤️

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter A – Adoption

When I was younger, the word adoption didn’t really mean much to me, but as I’ve gotten older, and I have no family (my parents are deceased and no siblings), adoption in Christ now means the world. 

It means we’re no longer alone in this world, that we’ve been grafted into the family of God, and all of a sudden, we have brothers and sisters. It’s a truly beautiful thing, especially for the orphaned, abandoned, lost, and forgotten children in this world.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter B – Bible

The Bible is our #1 handbook for how to be a good Christian. It’s our lifeline between us and Jesus. Reading it, studying it, and getting to know the words on the pages are jewels, Living Water to our souls. 

Except for bathrooms and the kitchen, I have a Bible in every single room in my home. It’s THAT important. 

At the time the Bible was being written, they didn’t have Bibles like we have today. They went to church to hear an elder or preacher read from the scroll and that was the only jewel they got that week.

Today, Bibles are in every motel and tossed around like candy. We don’t appreciate them like they did back then, and that’s a shame. We should. Because the Bible IS the most important thing God left for us to have of Him. It’s Him on a plate and knowing the Bible is knowing Him.

Here are a few things the Bible says about itself…

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • The Bible is pure – Psalm 12:6
  • The Bible is our lamp and lights our way – Psalm 119:105
  • The Bible is true – John 17:17
  • The Bible is powerful to save souls – 1 Peter 1:23
  • The Bible is convicting – Hebrews 4:12
  • The Bible accomplishes the will of God – Isaiah 55:10-11
  • The Bible is used by God to open people’s minds about Him and His Word – Luke 24:45
  • The Bible is prophetic – Luke 24:44
  • The Bible is our spiritual food – Jeremiah 15:16
  • The Bible is the Christian’s source of joy – Psalm 119:97 & John 15:11
  • The Bible is the Christian’s treasure – Psalm 119:72
  • The Bible is our instruction and our hope – Romans 15:4
  • The Bible is our confidence – Psalm 56:4
  • The Bible is our armor, protecting us – Ephesians 6:10-18
  • …and so much more!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter C – Chosen

Isn’t it great to know that not only does Jesus love us, but He chose us? We do not choose Him, but He, while we are still sinners, chose us! He chose us to love us, to save us, and to sanctify us. His love means all the more to us, knowing that He is the One who chose us.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter D – David

All my Christian life, I hated David. I loathed him. Whenever anyone would speak of him, I rolled my eyes. I never understood how David could do such terrible things and yet still be called the man after God’s own heart.

That is…until I did an in-depth study on David. I listened to over 100 sermons on his life and studied everything the Bible had to say about him, and this is the conclusion I came to.

Tears. David, is my FAVORITE, #1 favorite character in the whole Bible.

So what changed?

David DID do horrible things and the Bathsheba story isn’t the only one either, but consistently, throughout the Bible and his life, he was trying his absolute best to put God first and love God with all his heart. 

Did he fail? Yes, miserably. But it’s a great story to show kids that even while we fail (horribly), our God STILL loves us, still is there for us, and we get back up and try again. We get back up and do what is right. We continue to try to be the person God wants us to be and it’s that gut-wrenching soul-thirsting desire of his heart, to be the man of God that God wants him to be, that makes his life and his example to us so beautiful.

If your children are suffering with feeling like they can never be forgiven, that what they’ve done is too bad, too horrific for God to care about them, to save them, David is a great place to start! Wanna do your own study on the life of David? Here’s where I started!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter E – Evil

There is good and there is evil and there is no blending of the lines.

The world will have our children think that evil is good. “Dope” is good, right? “Sick” is good. So drugs are good? Being sick and wicked is good? Really?

Have you seen the Disney movie Descendants? They want us to believe that bad is good and that evil is not AS BAD as we think. It started in the Garden of Eden with Satan, “Did God REALLY say that?” he told Eve. Is God really that bad that He would tell you that you can’t have this apple? That God would WITHHOLD something from you? Will you REALLY die?

It was those lines of good and bad that he first tried to blur and as a result, the entire human race fell, and it’s a game Satan still plays with today!

We must be so very careful to understand right and wrong, good and bad, and declare those lines unapologetically in our lives, in our homes, and with our children.

The subtleness of Satan’s evil is everywhere and we must constantly be on guard for it.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter F – Forgiven

When we come to God and confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us (1 John 1:9). Sometimes, it is very difficult for us to forgive ourselves, but not with Christ. He forgives us completely and wholly and remembers them no more! Psalm 103:12

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter G – Grace

Many religions will have us believe we can earn our merit with God. That somehow if we’re “good enough”, He will love us. And that too, leads to the errant thinking that we can also lose our salvation. But let me ask you a question.

As a parent, do you love your child only when they are good to you?

That one question washes away their whole theology. If we, as imperfect beings, can still love our children even when they are bad, how much more will God, who is completely perfect and righteous, love us? Because He is perfect, everything He does is perfect.

No, we are not saved because of our goodness. We are saved because of His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is a free gift of God, so that WE cannot boast (I saved myself), but we all come to the throne of Christ in the same way, humble, penitent, broken.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter H – Hell

Hell is not a popular thing to talk about, nor is it fun, but children MUST understand that BECAUSE God is good and righteous and perfect, those who do not hold His standard of perfection go to a literal place we call Hell. However, because of His grace, mercy, and love toward His people, He doesn’t WANT us to go to Hell and so He made a way for us to be with Him, IF we choose it.

That choice, that gift, is salvation, and everyone in the world, has the choice to follow God or to follow their own sinful ways. It is a choice no one else can make for us and there’s only a certain amount of time in which we get to make that choice. Our lives WILL end at some point, and if we have not chosen Jesus Christ, we will end up in Hell. Not because God wants us to, but because WE chose to ignore Him and His precepts.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter I – Israel

In my younger years, anytime a Pastor would begin to mention Israel, I rolled my eyes and immediately thought: disobedience.

They were unworthy, unqualified, undeserving. Sometime later, I heard a Pastor speak about Israel from a different vantage point and it really changed my perspective of Israel.

While they were obstinate, disobedient, difficult people, they were learning.

When we first come to Christ, we are just like them. We are no better, we are obstinate, disobedient, self-focused, and determined to have our own way. It’s hard to suddenly put someone else first when you’ve spent years putting yourself first.

And it’s something we all have to learn at some point in our Christian walks.

The second thing I realized is that even IN their disobedience, their rebellion, their constant doing the wrong thing, God still called them.

I have to admit, I spent many years meditating on WHY would God call them?? He knew they were stubborn, why not choose different people, and yet, like a Good Shepherd, He chose them to be His holy people, to be His ambassadors to the world for His name’s sake.

Think about this. God doesn’t choose the perfect. He chooses the failures of this world. The orphans, the rejected, the hopeless, the rebels. He calls people like Paul who was killing Christians. He calls Moses, who killed a man and fled for his life. He called David, whom He knew would sin with Bathsheba and have her husband killed just so he could cover his own great sin. And He calls me and you.

One reason I think He calls us in our sin is that the transformation is incredible. Pick a perfect person, they stay perfect, where’s the glory to God in that? But if you choose someone like Paul and you see his life just completely transformed into something different, you know there’s no other explanation for it than the Lord Jesus Christ and it ultimately glorifies God.

He chooses people like Israel because it glorifies Him. He chooses me and you, at least in part, for that same reason, so it’s our goal in life to BE that person He wants us to be, so that we glorify Him. 😊

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter J – Joy

I have had great wealth and poverty. I have had middle-class status. I have had a husband and have had none. I have had family and no family. I have had friends and no friends for a season. I have had many things in life, all the joys, successes, and notarieties that most people dream of, but I tell you the truth, there is NO greater joy than that of my loving Father.

All the wealth, all the pleasures, all the joys that this world has to offer, is only a drop of water in the bucket of the joy that comes through Jesus Christ alone. His Word, I meditate on it day and night. It is my greatest sense of joy to learn about Him, follow Him at all costs, and be willing to die for Him should He ask me to. The love of the Father and His love for me, and that relationship bound together through all of eternity (Him choosing me from before the foundations of the earth, to the day I meet Him in Heaven, and beyond), nothing can compare to that. Nothing.

Again, I say NOTHING. He alone is my greatest joy and the only “thing” that I truly NEED to be happy.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter K – Kindness

Because God is perfect, He is kind, and His kindness is perfect too. I am convinced that as I travel this world and meet more and more people, the biggest and best character traits to have in this world are kindness and compassion.

Without them, I see people miserable, with no hope in sight. The people who have kindness written in their eyes and compassion in their hearts are the most wholesome, most joyful people I come across. 

We truly serve a God who is kind, compassionate, and in the next letter (L): loving.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter L – Love

The world does not understand what love is and apart from Christ, neither can we. Love is doing what’s best for the other person (Romans 8:28), even if it means YOU suffer greatly for it. Love is dying for the other person (Matthew 27:45-54). It’s showing compassion, kindness, and restraint of any harsh words. It is unmerited favor bestowed on the other person (Romans 6:23), meaning, they do nothing to earn that love, you just love them, freely and generously.

The more we get to know Jesus Christ, the more we get to know what HIS love truly is!!!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter M – Miracle

You wanna know the difference between a child and an adult?

It’s not selfishness. Children and adults are equally selfish.

Maybe you think it’s obedience. Adults obey better than children, but that’s not true. Prisons are full of adults who don’t obey the law, and there are just as many adults who don’t obey God as there are children who don’t obey God.

No. The difference is that children still believe in miracles.

Our society, our co-workers, our friends, and the world at large are in an utterly hopeless state. They are so negative, feeling like everything is doom and gloom. Where are the Pollyanna’s in the world right now? Where is the hope, the comfort, the love, the compassion, the peace, the joy?

Somewhere along the way, adults are conditioned, little by little to stop believing in the power and strength of God, in His miracles.

The child is full of wonder and awe and believes in miracles. They believe anything is possible.

We must, as parents, as Sunday school teachers, and as leaders of the church, encourage our little ones in the hope and miracles of God. We must teach them that miracles weren’t just in the Bible, but they are relevant today and that yes, God does miracles even today!

If you don’t believe that, the problem is not the child, it’s you. Begin by making a list of all the miracles in your life and other’s lives that you’ve seen over the years. Things that have happened that have no other explanation but that God did it. Keep that list handy and write in it whenever you see a miracle.

I’ll start. Right now, I live in a homeless shelter and all is lost. Yet, by the power of our gracious Heavenly Father, I’m allowed (in the homeless shelter) to still write articles and work on my blog! Miracle #1. Miracle #2 – I still want to! I haven’t lost hope, I’m still going, still writing, and still serving you. That is a miracle. It’s the redemptive work of Christ not only in my life but in yours. You reading this post is a miracle. Because without God, I would not have been able to write it!!! ❤️

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter N – Narrow Gate

When I was 8 years old, I gave my life to God. I got baptized and believed I was saved. Later on in my life, in my early 20’s, I regave my life to God, got baptized yet again, and thought I was saved…again.

But tragedy struck and I realized that I was never really saved at all. I just thought I was. Desperate to know how to become saved FOR REAL this time, I learned that confessing Jesus with our lips and trying to live a “good life” isn’t really enough. 

It’s about putting HIM as Lord and Savior of our lives, letting HIM drive the car, as it were, instead of me trying to drive the car (be in control of everything) and “letting” Him tag along.

Accepting Christ into our lives is about letting Him control everything and being willing to do whatever He asks us to do, even though painful.

Today, I’m writing these words from a homeless shelter. I have nothing. And while it is NOT pleasant and I do not know God’s plan, I do know that He’s got one. 

Secondly, I know that if this is where He wants me to be, then I’ll be here and there’s a reason. I’m willing to die for Him, willing to follow Him ANYWHERE. I know that I’m saved.

The Bible talks about wide and narrow gates (Matthew 7:13-14), and how many people believe (like I did), that I was saved but wasn’t really. Now that I genuinely am a believer, I know I am. There’s a confidence there. I have no doubts. I know that I’m willing to follow Him to death.

Kids need to understand that many people who profess to be saved aren’t. Because children are confused. They see an adult say they’re Christian and live in a very different way than the Bible calls us to live, and so they don’t understand it and think that God is the problem and not the person. This confuses their own salvation and it’s important to show them that there ARE wide and narrow gates. To be saved, we must be on the narrow path.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter O – Obey

Trying to teach a child (or anyone) to obey is REALLY tough. There are some times in our own lives, if we are honest with ourselves, where we do not want to obey and so we can understand, from a child’s point of view, it’s very difficult for them to obey as well.

The main thing to stress to children is that we obey the Lord out of a love for Him (John 14:15). He’s not FORCING us to obey. He calls us to obey; He asks us to obey, but He never forces us. We obey Him because we love Him. We desire to obey Him because we want to please Him. It’s out of a thankful heart for all He’s done for us. 

Getting to the root of WHY we obey the Lord is important in a child’s heart and mind. Otherwise, they just see God as another authority figure who is just putting some rules and regulations on them, trying to counteract their fun in life. They mustn’t see Him like that. He is our Heavenly Father, perfect in every way, not demanding or creating us all to be robots, forcing us to do His will, but lovingly guiding us, gently prodding us along the path to sanctify and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter P – Promises

God’s Word is not just about following a bunch of prescribed laws and regulations. There’s peace, hope, and promises in His Word too!

While there are MANY promises in the Bible, too many to recount, here are a few of my favs. 😊

Here are a few promises in the Bible…

  • When we seek God, we will surely find Him – Deuteronomy 4:29
  • He will not allow you to suffer beyond what you can bear – 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • We are blessed when we act godly – Psalm 1:1
  • He gives us strength – Isaiah 40:29
  • His unfailing love will never leave us – Isaiah 54:10
  • He will give us peace – John 14:27
  • To give us hope and a good future – Jeremiah 29:11
  • You will be free – John 8:36
  • That no matter how things seem, He will work out all things to our good – Romans 8:28
  • Bless us financially when we give – Malachi 3:10
  • He comforts us – Psalm 23:4
  • He will line up your desires to His – Psalm 37:4
  • He is our refuge – Psalm 9:9-10
  • New life in Christ, the old is gone – 2 Corinthians 1:3
  • He will fight for us – Exodus 14:14
  • He will finish the work He started in us – Philippians 1:6
  • Peace when we pray and ask Him – Philippians 4:6-7
  • He will prepare a way for us – Isaiah 40:3
  • He will meet all our needs – Matthew 6:33
  • He will make your paths straight – Psalm 3:5-6
  • He gives wisdom, liberally – James 1:5
  • He will give you rest – Matthew 11:28-30
  • He will return for us – John 14:2-3
  • He will forgive us – 1 John 1:9
  • He is with us, no matter what – Isaiah 41:10
  • He will lead us and guide us – Psalm 32:8

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter Q – Queen

We so often hear about God’s little princesses. As a little girl, if she is saved, she is a princess. But God doesn’t JUST call princesses. Sometimes He calls queens. We see that in the life of Esther.

Sometimes telling a little girl she’s a princess, is setting her up to be average. We really have to think about the words we use with kids and show them that God wants us all to reach our full potential in Him and for some little girls, that won’t BE princesses. It’ll be queens. For little boys, same thing, for some, it’ll be kings.

I never imagined that God would desire to use ME. A nobody the world rejected. Someone my own husband rejected. Physically, spiritually, and emotionally abused by my mom. Abused by so many others. An orphan now that my parents are deceased. And yet, He did. He chose ME to lead people online (and in person).

We need to teach that God’s plans for us are bigger than WE think they will be. I really don’t think David thought about being king there as a little shepherd boy when none of his brave, strong brothers would fight the Philistines (Goliath). And yet, God used that little boy to become his king, and from him, Samuel came, Ruth came (Ruth most likely being the Proverbs 31 woman), and yes, even Jesus Christ coming from the lineage of David. 

Just a boy at the time, who would’ve thought it? 😊 And yet…God knew. 

We aren’t born to be average. We’re born to shine our light on a hill, to lead others to Christ, to encourage, equip, and edify the saints. We’re called for more than princesses and princes. 

We’re called to lead. I’m not saying women should lead men within the church walls or become Pastors or something, but women ARE called to lead, just like men are. We lead our families, our children, in Sunday school, on blogs, our friends, younger women, and so on.

We’re not princesses. We are strong queens the Lord has called for His purposes and to do His good will.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter R – Righteous

Every day in our lives we have the choice to live a righteous life or a life that pleases US the most. We can sell out, we can do deceitful things, we can lie, or shade the truth. The temptation is always there and every day is a choice that presents itself before us.

Living righteously means choosing to do good, even when it’s painful. Sometimes it will require sacrifice to do what’s right and sometimes, we won’t want to DO what’s right.

We must always choose our absolute best to be righteous. To live a holy and blameless life, set apart for the Lord. Will we fail? Of course. We’re all human, we’re all sinners, and we all fail from time to time, but when we fail, we must get back up, dust ourselves off, and try again.

Every day if you seek to be righteous, to be holy, to do what is good in the sight of the Lord, you will grow toward maturity and righteousness and this pleases God! 😊

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter S – Saved

There is no way around it…we’re either saved or we’re not. Sometimes we think we’re saved, but we’re really not, so it’s very important to know where we REALLY stand before the Lord.

Going to church, saying we believe in God, or even doing good works doesn’t save us. It’s about putting GOD on display in our lives, choosing Him over ourselves, and living our lives as a drink offering to Him, a sacrifice pleasing to Him.

It’s about putting Him as Lord and King in our lives and being dedicated to doing whatever it is that He wants us to do, no matter how great the cost. 

In the end, I promise you, it IS worth it! God is so pure and lovely. He is very much worthy to worship, very much worthy to praise, very much worthy to die for! ❤️ Not that He is asking us to die for Him, but that we should be willing!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter T – Truth

When I was a little girl, I was not saved, and I would lie…a lot. There came a point in my life, where I decided I wanted to stop lying. It was an unbreakable commitment to myself to live a truthful life with all those around me, regardless of the cost.

As I was tested more and more, I stopped lying and chose truth. My life changed as a result. People started to trust me, people believed me, and it was a great feeling. 

God is not like that. He has never lied, nor will He ever lie. He is, always has been, and always will be completely truthful and everything He says, we can trust!

Knowing that we can trust God, we can place our entire lives in the palm of His hands, knowing that He loves us, will shepherd and guide us, and sanctify us to become ambassadors of Him to the world that He can be proud of. God…is a God of truth! John 14:6.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter U – Unity

One of my favorite things about Christianity is that once we are in the family of God, we are all a family. We are in unity. While we may differ in personality and in little specific things we believe, we have an overall view of the Lord and are dedicated to serving Him and growing as a believer in our walks with Him. That peace, that unity that comes from being grafted into the Lord’s family is beautiful and something to be treasured!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter V – Vineyard

This is my personal favorite! When the Israelites disobeyed and didn’t take the Promised Land when God first gave it to them, they walked around in the desert for 40 years. When they finally got to the Promised Land, after going through all that discipline, training, and learning, you’d think God would give them an abundance. Crops falling from the sky and the land so beautiful it never needs work to grow.

While what God gave them WAS good, so often it’s not at all what we’d think it was.

It was sections of land, like stairs. So that one strip of land is on the corner of another piece of land, all the way up the mountain. I’m reliant on you keeping your land up and the stones in place to hold up my land. One good rain storm and if YOU don’t have YOUR land taken care of, then mine gets washed out along with yours.

Some sections (rows) of land had olive trees, others had fig trees so that no two pieces of land were the same. 

You see very clearly how the Israelites had to work in communities with their fellow brothers and sisters. They had to trade. I’ll give you some olives if you give me some figs and vice versa. 

It wasn’t this sort of “retirement plan” they received. They had to work it, they had to continue to share, they had to continue to work together.

Throughout the Bible we see God giving His children good things, wonderful things, but most of the time it’s not $5 billion dollar homes. It’s just enough and plenty. It’s plenty but not extravagant and I think that many people think that the Promised Land was extravagant. It wasn’t. It was plenty, but it was not a ton of abundance and excess. 

They went through all those 40 years so God could teach them to not be afraid of what He wanted to give them all along, but He didn’t add to their abundance. They didn’t “earn more” by being in the wilderness for those extra 40 years. Those extra 40 years were because of their own sin.

From God, we can expect He will care for us and take good care of us, but we cannot expect mansions and billions of dollars in our bank accounts, unless we are say, feeding orphans and using it for His purposes, He may bless us with that kind of abundance as we are stewards (filters, strainers, if you will) toward others. 

Because riches here on earth isn’t what matters. Not to God and it shouldn’t matter to us either. What matters is hearts, souls, people. That’s what matters most to God: people. That’s what should matter most to us as well. ❤️

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter W – Worship

Did you know that everything we do is worshipping SOMEthing? Worship isn’t just for Sundays; we worship throughout the week too! We worship God when we read the Bible or sing a Christian song. We worship when we find our joy in the Lord. We were created to worship and are constantly worshipping.

Some people worship other things. Money, status, prestige, themselves. We must always make sure that our hearts are worshipping the true and living God at all times and not other devices or idols. 

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter X – eXalt

It’s really difficult to find an X, in keeping with the theme of the alphabet as a Bible word, so let’s go with eXalt. 😊 Exalting in someone is to respect them. To hold them in very high regard. God is SO worthy of our high regard and respect. He is SO very good to us. We need not look far to see His wonderful praises, treasures, and good things He’s given us each and every day. For this reason, we exalt in Him. 

Because He made us, because He loves us, because He created us for a good purpose, because He’s our Father, because He’s done so many amazing things for us, we exalt in Him. Truly there is no one better in all the earth than God…and you get to call Him Father! How cool is that?! YAY!

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter Y – Yoke

Matthew 11:28-30 talks about how God’s yoke is easy and light. He doesn’t require a list of dos and don’ts from us. He only wants us to be loyal to Him and grow in our spirituality as much as humanly possible. If we fail, it’s okay, as long as we are trying our absolute best. He loves us and cares for us and has a great plan for us. He wants to work WITH us, not against us, as a team.

ABC’s of Christianity: The Letter Z – Zion

Zion is special to God and has a few different meanings within the Bible. It’s mentioned over 150 times so let’s take a look at a few instances of them…

  • Zion is the place in Jerusalem where God lives – Jeremiah 31:6; Isaiah 40:9
  • The Hebrew word Zion means a sign or a landmark
  • It is synonymous with the city of God, a place He loves – Psalm 87:2-3
  • Zion refers to the people of God (Israel) – Isaiah 60:14; Zechariah 9:13
  • It refers to Christ, the cornerstone – 1 Peter 2:6
  • It refers to the city of David as Zion – 2 Samuel 5:7

I hope that these truths can be used to teach your little ones about God in a fun, new, and exciting way!!!

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